Science on The Soothsayer / page 9

Scientists have discovered a new way to study supercell thunderstorms and their devastating tornadoes using muons, subatomic particles produced by cosmic rays. Researchers propose using a large detector to measure the atmospheric pressure within a storm, which could help understand the formation of tornadoes. This breakthrough could lead to improved forecasting and warning systems for…

Physicists have made a groundbreaking discovery in the field of particle physics by using the principle of entanglement entropy to study the behavior of quarks and gluons in high-energy electron-proton collisions. The research, led by Kong Tu at Brookhaven National Laboratory, reveals that quarks and gluons in protons are deeply entangled and approach a state…

Researchers at the University of Virginia School of Engineering and Applied Science have developed a new foldable “bottlebrush” polymer network that is both stiff and stretchy. This breakthrough material has the potential to revolutionize various industries, including biomedical devices, wearable electronics, and soft robotics systems. The polymer’s unique properties make it an ideal candidate for…

New computer simulations suggest that Pluto and its largest moon, Charon, may have formed through a “kiss-and-capture” collision, where the two bodies briefly joined up before settling into their current positions. This theory challenges previous ideas about the origin of Charon and could have implications for our understanding of the formation of other objects in…

Researchers have made a groundbreaking discovery linking a gene variant to the spread of breast cancer. The PCSK9 gene, previously known for its role in cholesterol levels, has been found to drive the metastasis of breast cancer. A lab-made antibody, already approved for high cholesterol treatment, has shown promise in reducing cancer spread in mouse…

Physicists at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory have revisited Voyager 2 data from its 1986 flyby of Uranus, revealing that some of our understanding of the ice-giant planet may be false. The new analysis suggests that the flyby occurred during an anomalous period, with unusual solar activity compressing the planet’s magnetosphere. This finding has significant implications…

NASA’s Parker Solar Probe has successfully skimmed the surface of the sun, coming within 6.1 million kilometers of the sun’s surface at a speed of 692,000 kilometers per hour. This historic flyby marks the culmination of six years in space for the probe, which has been studying the sun’s outer atmosphere, or corona, from the…

A recent study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine has found that women who incorporate short bursts of intense physical activity into their daily routines can lower their risk of major cardiovascular problems by 45%. The study, led by Emmanuel Stamatakis, suggests that even just 20-30 seconds of intense exercise per day can…

The American burying beetle, once a common sight in North America’s grasslands, has been making a comeback in southwestern Nebraska’s Loess Canyons. According to new data, the beetle’s population has increased by 17% over the last decade, with models showing that native grasslands free from eastern red cedar are crucial for their survival. This trend…

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