Science on The Soothsayer / page 4

A team of scientists has successfully developed a tiny neutrino detector that can measure antineutrinos streaming from a nuclear power plant in Leibstadt, Switzerland. This breakthrough has the potential to revolutionize the field of neutrino physics and could lead to the development of new technologies for monitoring nuclear reactors. The detector, made of germanium crystals,…

Physicists from the University of British Columbia have made a groundbreaking discovery in the field of quantum physics, unveiling an anomalous Hall crystal that exhibits the quantum Hall effect without the need for an external magnetic field. The team, led by Josh Folk, observed the effect in a stack of bilayer and trilayer graphene twisted…

Scientists have discovered that the asteroid Bennu, which orbits between Earth and Mars, contains the building blocks of life, including organic compounds and amino acids. However, despite the presence of these ingredients, no signs of life were found on the asteroid. Researchers believe that the conditions on Bennu may not have been suitable for life…

A recent study has shed light on the dangers of microplastics in human tissues, revealing that these small plastic particles can cause neurobehavioral abnormalities and even lead to tissue dysfunction and disease. Researchers have developed a method to track the progression of microplastics through the brains of mice, finding that they become engulfed by immune…

A recent study has shed light on the mysterious condition known as takotsubo syndrome, which is often referred to as “broken heart syndrome.” This condition occurs when a person experiences intense emotional or physical stress, leading to a temporary dysfunction in the heart’s left ventricle. While it is relatively rare, accounting for only 2% of…

Physicists Kaden Hazzard and Zhiyuan Wang have made a groundbreaking discovery in quantum mechanics, introducing a new class of quasiparticles called paraparticles. These particles exhibit unique properties that differ from familiar bosons and fermions, opening up new possibilities for understanding the quantum world. The researchers propose that paraparticles could manifest as quasiparticles in engineered quantum…

The Trump administration’s recent executive orders have sent shockwaves through the international public health community, leaving healthcare workers scrambling and aid programs in peril. The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) has been put on hold, and the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) has suffered significant disruptions. The funding pause is set to…

Researchers at the University of California Davis and Stanford University have made a groundbreaking discovery that could potentially store up to half of the CO2 generated by humans each year. By replacing conventional building materials with alternatives that sequester carbon dioxide, the world could lock away up to 16 billion tonnes of CO2. This innovative…

A recent study by World Weather Attribution has found that human-caused climate change played a significant role in the devastating wildfires in Southern California, which killed at least 28 people and destroyed over 16,000 structures. The study revealed that climate change made the hot, dry, and windy conditions that fueled the fires 1.35 times more…

Researchers from Beijing Normal University and Shenyang Aerospace University in China have developed a flexible tactile sensor that can accurately read braille in real-time. The sensor uses an optical fibre ring resonator to detect the pressure exerted by raised dots on a braille surface, allowing it to quickly decode braille patterns and translate them into…

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