Science on The Soothsayer / page 15

Mathematicians Prove Hawking Wrong: Extremal Black Holes Can Exist

In a groundbreaking discovery, two mathematicians, Christoph Kehle and Ryan Unger, have proved that extremal black holes can exist in the real world, contradicting a long-held theory by Stephen Hawking and his colleagues. The researchers used mathematical models to demonstrate that it is theoretically possible for extremal black holes to form, which could have significant…

Scientists Stumble Upon a Mysterious Star Disappearance, Raising Hopes for Black Hole Discovery

A team of astrophysicists has discovered a star that vanished without a supernova explosion, sparking hopes that it may be a “failed supernova” and the birth of a black hole. While the discovery is not yet conclusive, it has the potential to revolutionize our understanding of stellar death throes and the formation of black holes….

Meet Chonkus, the Mutant Microbe That Could Help Combat Climate Change

A new mutant strain of photosynthesizing bacteria, dubbed Chonkus, has been discovered in the shallow waters off Italy’s Vulcano Island. This superpowered microbe has the potential to aid in carbon sequestration and could be a crucial tool in the fight against climate change. Forecast for 6 months: Governments and research institutions will begin to invest…

Bees in Peril: Tens of Millions Killed by Vehicles Daily

Tens of millions of bees are likely being killed each day by vehicles in the western United States, according to a new study. The research, published in Sustainable Environment, highlights the impact of roads on bee populations, essential pollinators of wild plants and a third of the world’s crops. The study suggests that planting healthy…

Massive Maya City Uncovered in Southern Mexico: Lidar Technology Reveals Hidden Landscape

Archaeologists have discovered a massive Maya city, dubbed Valeriana, in southern Mexico using lidar technology. The city spans an area roughly the size of Beijing and has all the hallmarks of a Classic Maya political capital. Researchers believe that Valeriana was densely populated, with over 400 structures per square kilometer, making it one of the…

Unlocking the Secrets of Prions: A New Era in Neurological Disease Research

A mysterious neurological disease known as “the laughing death” was killing women and children in Papua New Guinea in the 1950s. Autopsies revealed tiny holes in the victims’ brains, leading scientists to discover the role of infectious proteins, or prions, in the disease. Neurovirologist Michel Brahic’s new book, “The Power of Prions,” delves into the…

Unveiling the Secrets of Stone Age Net Fishing

Archaeologists have discovered rare depictions of Stone Age net fishing on engraved stones at a 16,000-year-old German site. The findings, made possible by a digital imaging technique, provide new insights into the fishing practices of ancient hunter-gatherer groups. The discovery has significant implications for our understanding of the evolution of human societies and their relationship…

Breakthrough in Potato Farming: Scientists Discover Key to Reducing Fertilizer Use

A team of researchers has made a groundbreaking discovery that could revolutionize potato farming. By understanding the genetic mechanism that controls nitrogen management in potatoes, scientists may be able to develop varieties that require less fertilizer, saving farmers money and reducing the environmental impact of potato cultivation. Forecast for 6 months: Within the next six…

Vampire Bats’ Unconventional Metabolism: A New Frontier in Mammalian Physiology

Vampire bats have been found to metabolize their food in a unique way, using amino acids from their recent blood meals as a primary source of energy. This discovery challenges our understanding of mammalian physiology and may have implications for our understanding of other mammals that rely on blood or protein-rich diets. Researchers have been…

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