Science on The Soothsayer / page 12

Physicists in Europe have successfully demonstrated the relationship between quantum uncertainty and wave-particle duality, confirming a 2014 theoretical prediction. The experiment, conducted by researchers at Linköping University in Sweden, used orbital angular momentum states of light to show that a minimum level of uncertainty must always result when a measurement is made on a quantum…

Scientists have discovered that Earth’s inner core may be slowing down and changing shape, with its surface possibly morphing and rotating differently than the planet’s surface. This finding was made by analyzing earthquake waves that travel through the planet, which contain information about the inner core’s rotation and shape. The researchers suggest that the inner…

Physicists at the University of Ottawa have made a groundbreaking discovery in the field of photonics, where a laser beam cast a shadow in a ruby crystal. This phenomenon occurs due to unusual photon-photon interactions in a highly nonlinear medium, which could have significant implications for laser fabrication and imaging. The team’s experiment demonstrates that…

Twenty years after the devastating Indian Ocean tsunami, the world has made significant strides in tsunami warning systems. With the establishment of the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center and the deployment of DART buoys, researchers have improved their ability to detect and predict tsunamis. However, despite these advances, tsunamis continue to claim thousands of lives each…

Researchers in Israel and China have warned that the rising popularity of generative artificial intelligence (GAI) could lead to a significant surge in electronic waste, potentially reaching 2.5 million tons annually by 2030. The study’s authors have developed a framework to quantify and evaluate the e-waste generated by GAI, and they propose various mitigation measures…

The rapid growth of generative AI has led to a surge in energy consumption, with some estimates suggesting that the AI sector could soon draw as much energy annually as the Netherlands. As the technology continues to advance, experts are sounding the alarm about the environmental impact of generative AI, from electricity generation and server…

Researchers at Google Quantum AI have achieved a significant breakthrough in quantum error correction, developing a quantum processor with error rates that decrease as the number of qubits grows. This achievement could lead to the creation of more complex algorithms and longer calculations on quantum computers. The team used a new superconducting processor called Willow,…

Scientists have made significant progress in unraveling the mysteries of the sun during the total solar eclipse that swept across the United States on April 8, 2024. The event provided a unique opportunity for researchers to study the sun’s corona, ionosphere, and gravity waves. Preliminary results from various experiments have shed light on the sun’s…

Researchers at Aoyama Gakuin University and the University of Tokyo have made a groundbreaking discovery in understanding the behavior of squishy particles, which can deform by more than 10% of their size. By studying the flow and jamming of these particles, the team has developed a new model that explains how they respond to external…

The Perseverance Rover on Mars has made a groundbreaking discovery, uncovering the oldest rocks humans have ever seen and potentially evidence of a new setting that ancient Martian organisms could have inhabited. The rover has been exploring the Jezero Crater and has found rocks that are likely older than 4 billion years, making them the…

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